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Museum Collection

Filming and Photography

This section contains information about photographing, filming, and otherwise reproducing images of items from the collection of Gimhae National Museum.

Photography and Filming Guide

This guide covers any instance of photographing, filming, sketching, depicting, measuring, or otherwise reproducing an item from the museum’s collection or using a copy or photograph of an item from the collection.

When can items from the collection be photographed?

  • Photography and other research is generally allowed on Mondays (while the museum is closed to the public) during normal business hours.

What are the fees for photographing or otherwise reproducing an item from the collection?

  • Reproduction fees vary (see below), and are payable with revenue stamps (sold at a post office or bank).

How can I photograph or reproduce items from the collection?

  • If you wish to photograph or otherwise reproduce an item from the collection, please download and submit a completed application, which will then be reviewed by the museum director.
  • When using a photograph or any reproduction of an item from the collection, you must indicate that it belongs to Gimhae National Museum and submit proof thereof to the museum.
  • When photographing or reproducing an item from the collection, you must follow the instructions of the museum staff in order to ensure safe handling of the artifacts.
  • Photographs and other reproductions of an item from the collection cannot be reproduced again or used for any purposes other than what has been permitted by the museum.
  • If any artifacts are damaged during your photography/reproduction session, you will be responsible for compensating the museum. The amount of compensation will be determined by the museum director.
  • When posting copyrighted works provided by the museum website, a copy protection program must be used for photographs that are 320 * 240 pixels or larger.
  • Only lighting equipment provided by the museum may be used during photography or reproduction.

Person in Charge of Reproduction

  • For approval of reproduction : Park Seong-wae, Academic Research Office of Gimhae National Museum
    • Phone : +82 055-320-6836
    • Fax : +82 055-328-2468
    • E-mail : pswae@korea.kr
  • Reproduction of items : Jeon Hyo Soo, Academic Research Office of Gimhae National Museum
    • Phone : +82 055-320-6838
    • Fax : +82 055-328-2468
    • E-mail : doodoori98@korea.kr

Reproduction Fees (Payable via revenue stamps sold at a post office or bank)

Reproduction Fees (Payable via revenue stamps sold at a post office or bank) - Category, Type, Quantity, Fee, Note
Category Type Quantity Fee Note
Type of Reproduction Special filming (3D, etc.) 1 ea. KRW 30,000 Only within the permitted scope
Video 1 ea. KRW 30,000
Photograph 1 ea. KRW 30,000
Rubbed copy 1 ea. KRW 30,000 Only within the permitted quantity
Precision measurement 1 ea. KRW 30,000 Only within the permitted quantity
Photographic reproduction Digital material File Free Size 11˝×14˝(A3)
5˝×7˝ and smaller (A5)
Photos taken with a phone are free, within the viewing regulations.