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Style and Taste of Gaya

Style and Taste of Gaya

Elaborate ornaments were used to enhance the individual’s beauty and also to symbolize political or social status. Gaya people wore ornaments made of precious materials such as metal, glass, and stone (namely, crystal, amber and agate). The necklaces made of green, blue, and jade colored glass beads, unearthed from the tombs of Gaya kings at the burial grounds of Daeseong-dong (Gimhae), Malisan Mountain (Haman), and Jisan-dong (Goryeong), etc., illustrate the wide spectrum of colors that were used in various compositions by the Gaya people from the early phase of their history.

Such ornaments made of gold and silver also came to be worn from the 4th century, key examples being the gilt-bronze crown and belt ornaments discovered at the Daeseong-dong burial ground. A wide variety of styled earrings and bracelets also came to be made from the mid-5th century, demonstrating the sophisticated aesthetic and skilled handiwork of Gaya craftspeople.

Section 28 Gaya earrings, crown, and belt
Section 28 Gaya earrings, crown, and belt Hall image
Introduction to exhibits in the exhibition hall
Section 28 Gaya crown
Section 28 Gaya crown Hall image
Section 28 Gaya necklace, bracelet, and anklet
Section 28 Gaya necklace, bracelet, and anklet Hall image
Introduction to exhibits in the exhibition hall
Section 28 The Beauty of Gaya
Section 28 The Beauty of Gaya Hall image